Playing in her outdoor "Oasis" from her Aunt Helen :)
7/1/10 - Anna's 1st Birthday!!! I can't believe it's been a year already. And almost a year since the last time I posted on this blog about my darling Anna. I am a terrible mother. But despite that, I'm trying to catch up a bit, so here's the news. Anna Grace is 1 year old! She squeezes into 18-24 month size clothing and does not wear shoes. She loves shoes, but her little pudgey feet won't allow them. We have a little pair of sandels that fit her feet somewhat, but they are size 6 and look like clown shoes when they are on her feet. She eats anything she can and is constantly learning new words. She says Mama, Dada, night-night, bye bye, bottle, hi, Nana, Papa and so many others! She is the most lovey baby you'll ever meet. Ella was always a shy baby, never smiling much and if you attempted to cuddle her or hug her, she would push you away. Anna is the complete opposite. She is always rubbing her face against yours, always cuddling in for hugs and giving kisses. Smiling at anyone kind enough to give her a quick glance. She is a wonderfully happy baby. Ella loves her so much and surprisingly shares her things with her without a problem :) Anna hasn't started running around the house yet, but she will find anything that slides (chair, table, stool, etc) and push it while walking behind it like she's a little old lady with a walker :) I'm actually not in a rush to have her walking as I know she will be our last little baby and I want to get the most out of her in her "baby stage" :)